Compass Manufacturers

Ritchie Navigation - American Compass Manufacturer

Compasses made in Pembroke MA, established 1850. Wayfinder is a certified Ritchie distributor and repair station. We can help select the proper compass for any application and order it at market price. We keep a stock of Ritchie parts for fast repair service.

Cassens & Plath - German Compass Manufacturer

Source for Navy-standard compasses and ship’s binnacles for international, commercial, & military applications. Wayfinder is also a certified distributor and repair station for Cassens & Plath. We can select and order the proper compass and/or binnacle at market price and ship it anywhere in the world. We keep a small stock of C&P compasses and spare parts for fast service. Also a source for the C. Plath Jupiter compass.

Autonautic Instrumental - Spanish Compass Manufacturer

Compasses made in Barcelona, Spain. Good choices for medium-tonnage vessels like tugs.

Compass Repairs

Viking Instruments - Compass Repair Shop in Massachusetts

Wayfinder offers repairs of most contemporary brands, including Ritchie, Cassens & Plath, and C. Plath. For brands no longer in production (such as Danforth), we use Viking Instruments. Those seeking refurbishment of antique compasses should contact Viking.

Compass Adjustment

The Handbook of Magnetic Compass Adjustment

HO226, a dense but concise summation of the theory and practice of marine magnetic compass adjustment. The bible of adjusters everywhere.

Cape Compass

Master compass adjuster Jeff Kaufmann, mentor to the adjusters of Wayfinder. He’s based in Camden ME and still performs local adjustments and repair work.

The Deviascope

The ultimate teaching tool for learning the art of compass adjustment. Upon request, Wayfinder can build deviascopes, thanks to the woodworking talent of one of our techs, Amy Moliterno.

Geomagnetism, Navigation, & Weather

NOAA Geomagnetic Data

Enter your latitude and longitude to find your local magnetic variation (aka declination), horizontal and vertical field strength, dip angle, and more.

NOAA Sun Azimuth Data

Best source for sun azimuth data, a precise and simple way to check your compass or gyro error.

NOAA Buoy Data

Wave height, wind speed/direction, water temperature, barometric pressure, all over the world.

NOAA Chart Locator

Only ENCs are available here. The entire catalog of ENCs can be seen and downloaded here. RNCs (raster charts) have been discontinued, but some are available here until Jan 2025.

Marine Weather

Nationwide marine forecasts by zone.

Marine Traffic

Locate and track vessels worldwide.


Great online weather forecast site, includes wave height and all sorts of things. Similar to Windy.


Sun Surveyor

Reference for sun azimuth, sunset/sunrise times, and ephemeris. Free version is great. Paid version includes moon data and more.


One of the better chart plotter apps. It can cheaply be used with RNCs, or you can pay extra for ENCs and vector charts. Other good chart apps: iSailor and Navionics Boating.

Marine Weather Forecast

Excellent marine weather app. Includes buoy data.

Tide Alert

Quick reference for tides wherever you are.

NOAA Buoy Reports

All the NOAA buoy data in one place, free. The most accurate wind/wave information.


Free, open source chart plotter app for desktop. Charts must be downloaded separately.


Great app for terrestrial navigation.

Marine Electronics - Friends & Partners

J & L Marine Electronics

Based in Portsmouth VA. They service and install all manner of marine electronics nationwide, mostly on government vessels.

Benson Electric - Great Lakes Marine Electronics

Servicing everything from tugboats to freighters on the Great Lakes.